Nobel Peace Price
Swedish Green Party Celebrates the Nobel Peace Price to Wangari Maathai
It is with great pleasure and happiness we have received the message that
the Nobel Peace Price 2004 is awarded to Wangari Maathai.
As the leading figure for the Green Belt Movement and as the founder of
the Mazingira Green Party in Kenya, Wangari is a prominent figure for all
Greens, all over the world, and we celebrate this day with You.
We are also delighted that the Nobel Peace Price for the first time is
recognizing the unbreakable relations between local democracy, ecology,
peace and freedom.
We are proud of the cooperation we had during the past years, as partners
between Green Belt Movement and our foundation Green Forum. We look
forward to future contacts in frame of the Global Green Co-ordination.
On behalf of Swedish Green Party Miljöpartiet de Gröna
Peter Eriksson
On behalf of Green Forum Foundation
Eva Goës