Benin Greens Women's Convention
The First National Benin Greens Women's Convention.
The role of women in strengthening the Greens movement in Benin.
1 Background and rationale
Since the Greens Party was set up in Benin, we have all thought from time to time
about the place of women in the Greens movement in Benin.
Note that women are 65% of the population in Benin. They play an active role in
using our country's natural resources. Women use firewood for heating and coal
for household cooking. And women maintain cleanliness in the home. They are responsible
for local environmental management in our country. How can we talk of protecting
this environment and its natural resources and yet ignore these women?
They want to use the opportunity offered them by the Swedish foundation Green
Forum, to get together and reflect on their involvement in strengthening the Greens
movement in Benin. And to analyse their active participation in national political
life within the Greens party of Benin.
2 Objectives:
The first National Benin Greens Women's Convention has the following objectives:
" women will analyse their current role in environmental conservation
" ensure their active involvement in strengthening the Greens movement in Benin
" study the different functions of women leaders in society
" study implications for Greens women in the 2006 Presidential elections
" establish partnerships with women in rural areas
" establish a common understanding between rural and urban women
" formulate an action plan for Greens women for the next 2 years
" design structures to meet their expectations within the party executive
3 Expected results of this convention
The results expected from this convention are numerous, including:
" according women within the party executive a party a structure to meet their
" facilitating an annual gathering of women to discuss problems of concern
" publically demonstrating by this convention the value the party places on women
4 Convention organization
Various topics will be covered at this gathering. Women with experience in environmental
conservation will be called upon to speak.
Topic 1: The role of rural women in natural resource management
Topic 2: Urban environmental problems and their impact on women and their children
living in urban environments
Topic 3: The experiences of Swedish women in Greens politics. Historical overview
and future perspectives
Topic 4: The role of Benin women in Greens politics
Topic 5: The role of Benin women and perspectives for the 2006 Presidential elections
Topic 6: The historical overview of Swedish women in Greens party administration
and their importance in Swedish politics
Supplementary to sessions on these topics, workshops will be conducted to allow
participants to contribute effectively to the convention's outcomes.
5 Impact of convention's outcomes
There will be strong media coverage of the outcomes of the First National Benin
Greens Women's Convention. This will trigger public opinion and especially impact
on other political parties. The Greens party will demonstrate how highly it values
women in politics.
6 Future perspectives
After this convention, other conventions will be held every year to strengthen
the Greens involvement in Benin politics.
7 Draft report
As soon as the convention is over, each delegate will take home a draft report,
including recommendations. A date will be set to determine objectives for the next
8 Final report
A final report complete with financial statement and all required receipts will
be given immediately to the foundation. A video cassette and photos will be included
with the final report. All documents will be given to foundation representatives
before they leave Cotonou.
9 Preparations for the convention
An administrative officer will be recruited for a period of 2 weeks to assemble
preparatory documents and follow up on invitations.
10 Date of the convention
The date will be fixed by consensual agreement with the foundation
11 Budget
50 participants + 1 representative of the Swedish foundation
Catering (lunch)
Catering (dinner)
Travel for the Green foundation representative
Stockholm- Cotonou - Stockholm
Accommodation for the Swedish representative
Bus hire
Conference organisers
Preparatory documents. Photocopies
Television crew hire, newspapers
Photos and reporting
Administrative secretariat
Unexpected costs?