Report of Baltic Sea Meeting
Malta Council Meeting, Friday May 2nd, 2003
1. Discussion about Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Adriatic Sea common ecological problems
single hulled ships must be stopped
overfishing of cod; EU-stop of trawling cod and compensation for fishermen etc
Decision: to stress EU to declare these seas as particular sensitive sea areas
to include the Adriatic Sea in the dialogue of Baltic Sea and Black Sea.
2. Discussion about the situation in the participating parties
Latvia is in the government.
Sweden is the balance between the blocks and supporting the socialdemocratic
Finland the highest election result of the participating countries, but not in
the government
Estonia has no party but Finland stressed the initiative about building a party
through their contacts and network in Estonia, especially among the young people
Lithuania has a branch of Greens in Vilnius which has started 10 local groups
in the country to revive/restore the party. They have problems with the old leadership
(court process) on the national level.
Denmark was represented by two parties. De Gronne has the same problem as the
Lithuanian Greens with a court process. De Gronne must profile themselves as green-green
because there is a competition among the small parties to be the most green one.
Russia has just started a committee of the IGP, Interregional Green Party, to
be able to register them as a Green party on national level. They need at least
representation in 40 regions and 10 000 members.
3. As the chair person of the Baltic Green Network was not in the Malta meeting
at all and the Poland participant was absent, we tried to find out where and when
to meet next. An old proposal is to meet in Poland but it could also be in Stockholm.
Eva Goës Sven-Olof Tuvlind
Chair person of the meeting Secretary
Green Forum Green Forum
List of participators
Heino Kroon, Estonian Greens
Viesturs Silenieks, Latvia
Nijole Balciuniene, Lithuanian Gree party
Vytautas Guzys, Lituanian Green party
Oleg Koznetsov, Russia
Sven-Olof Tuvlind, Green Forum, Sweden
Eva Goës, Green Forum, Sweden
Jean Thierry, De Gronne, Denmark
Mads Nikolassen, Denmark
Johanna Sumuvuori, Vihrea Liitte, Finland
Panu Laturi, Vihrea Liitte, Finland
Ender Eren, Istanbul Greens, Turkey
John Street, Wales Green Party, England
Ekologiska fotavtryck
Gränsen för hållbar konsumtion är 1,8 hektar odlingsbar jord per person. En nordamerikan förbrukar
9,2 ha.
En Europé förbrukar 5,1 ha. Aisater och afrikaner 1,3 ha.
Först när det sista trädet huggits ner,
efter att den sista floden förgiftats,
efter att den sista fisken fångats,
först då kommer ni att inse att
pengar inte kan ätas !
Cree indianskt ordspråk