Det är bråttom - men inte för sent!
 Eva Goës hemsida






Goodbye Roberta Blackgoat.

"The creator is the only one who can relocate me!"

In commemoration of Roberta Blackgoat
(1917 - 23 April 2002)

The Navaho / Dinéh Matriarch from Big Mountain - Black Mesa, Arizona, USA

A strong fighter and spiritual leader of her people she fought against relocation and cultural genocide of her people

I bow my head to the woman who would not be relocated and instead of weaving cloth, at 84, she picked up pliers and unravelled fences.

I bow my head to the woman who would not be relocated and instead of moving into town, at 84, she drove herself in an old pickup truck 33 miles one-way on unpaved roads for water, for phones, for gas, for news of the world.

I bow my head to the woman who would not be relocated and instead of telling stories and bemoaning what used to be, at 84, she took up pen and paper and drew out petitions to stop what she thought was wrong with the world around her.

I bow my head to the woman whose great-grandparents taught her relocation of Fort Sumner, and at 84, she flung open her doors when history came tapping on her window and she did not hide or falter.

She did not lock her door and pretend she was not home. She dug in and worked for what she believed And at 84,
She kept these words...
"The Creator is the only one that will relocate me."

Goodnight, Roberta Blackgoat.


Voices for the loss of Roberta

There will never be anyone like You Dear Shima. I will always Love You and honor You.

We will never give up the fight for justice.

I know you will walk the Land among the People and the sheep and all the animal brothers and sisters, and guard them All together with your beloved Ancestors. And I am pretty sure you will keep an eye on us too....

To whom all this may concern,

My name is Nathan Cowlishaw from Cedar City, Utah. I am only twenty and right now my heart is crying for Roberta Blackgoat. I loved that incredible woman and I have always carried her in my prayers. It was very bad news to hear of her passing tonight from Robert Dorman's list. Please understand that this woman was very special to me. She was an awsome grandmother, with celestial wisdom. She was in the service of Earth and Creator. Tonight I will pray for her in tears. This is very hard for me. Please understand that this is sincere. I cannot afford to travel to see her funeral because I have no money, but I want all to know that this Grandmother truly inspired my life and helped me to see happiness in this world. Redrock and blue sky, may first mind trees sway under the beautiful moon of ancient dreams, while listening to such an incredible Grandmom.

She has always had a place in my heart. I love Roberta. Please accept my sadness. Roberta was a strong Fighter, and Sprititual Leader. I will surely miss the sweetness of her existence upon the face of this Earth. If she has inspired anyone, it would me. I am a young man, and love the deeds this woman performed. I will help in continuation of her same fight in my own way. For her, I will never forget anything. Where Mother Earth and Father Sky meet at first morning light, may I pray for Roberta in peace.

Roberta, I thank you for touching my life, and helping me find peace.

For I have said it all. This is my words. I believe in Roberta Blackgoat, that is where I carry faith!

To every body with much sadness in my soul tonight, "A friend and supporter"
Nathan Robert Cowlishaw


Ekologiska fotavtryck

Gränsen för hållbar konsumtion är 1,8 hektar odlingsbar jord per person. En nordamerikan förbrukar 9,2 ha.
En Europé förbrukar 5,1 ha. Aisater och afrikaner 1,3 ha.

Först när det sista trädet huggits ner,
efter att den sista floden förgiftats,
efter att den sista fisken fångats,
först då kommer ni att inse att
pengar inte kan ätas !

Cree indianskt ordspråk


Denna sida tillkom ursprungligen 2002-05-02

Denna sida uppdateras av Blått & Grönt
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